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how to change pgeditor background ?

webdomain (26 Janvier 2010, 18:57)
Hi, can you tell me how to change background in pgeditor ?
see images for details



jchouix (26 Janvier 2010, 22:02)
hi webdomain,

:fsb2_arrow: For pgeditor :
You edit the css file of your skin in the directory skin/your_skin_name/ and search this code:
div #toolbarIcons_ptxt {
 color: inherit;
 background-color: #089EDE;
div #toolbarSmileys_ptxt {
 color: inherit;
 background-color: #089EDE;

You write :
div #toolbarIcons_ptxt {
 color: inherit;
 background-color: silver;
div #toolbarSmileys_ptxt {
 color: inherit;
 background-color: silver;

Note : an another solution is to delete this code in the css file of the skin :
div #toolbarIcons_ptxt {
 color: inherit;
 background-color: #089EDE;
div #toolbarSmileys_ptxt {
 color: inherit;
 background-color: #089EDE;

and then, modify directly the css file named 'pgeditor.css' in the directory inc/config_pgeditor_guppy/style/
at the line 35 : background-color:#ECE9D8;
and the line 256 : background-color:#ECE9D8;

:fsb2_arrow: For minieditortextarea :
You edit this file : admin/editors/guppy_config/
and you modify the code of the line 46 :
$colorFondMenu = $titre[1];  //couleur de fond du miniéditeur
like this :
$colorFondMenu = 'silver';  //couleur de fond du miniéditeur

Best regards
webdomain (27 Janvier 2010, 8:05)
Manythanks it is okay !!!